Thursday, August 29, 2013

Drama I&II Syllabus

SYLLABUS 2013-2014 Drama I & II Miss Raczko Guiding Principles Theatre is “a place for learning about the brevity of human glory”, according to Iris Murdoch. The actor tries to illumine mankind’s tragedies and triumphs by using the playwright’s words as written truth. The director paints a slice of human life, the dramaturge questions everything, and the technician operates the set to bring the world to life. Course Description Primarily this Drama course will explore all facets of theatre: from page to stage. Students will also work with Theatre Link to read, revise, and perform a piece of theatre. I. OBJECTIVES: You will: use each work to develop as an actor, director, and playwright Develop conference in the validity of your own ideas Find your voice and use it to express authentic emotions Use actable verbs to attain the objective/super objective of the character Yes..and… to collaborate in a creative community *Bring your journal, class notebook, pen/pencil, and texts to class EVERYDAY * Hand in work on TIME ( late homework will NOT be accepted, and major assignments will lose a letter grade each day it is late) II. MATERIALS: The Stage and the School, various plays III. ASSIGNMENTS: - Monologues - Scene study - Performances - Playwriting - Expressive, persuasive, and analytical papers - Creative expressionism - Analytical reading IV. METHODS OF EVALUATION and TESTING: a. Satisfactory completion of assigned class and homework b. Your evaluation of your Writer’s Portfolio c. Personal responses as dialectical journals d. Class discussion and participation in our community of learners e. Class and individual projects f. Expressive, poetic, and expository papers g. Tests and quizzes h. Mid-term /Final Exam Keep the above information in your notebook at ALL TIMES. Detach the next page and return to your teacher by TOMORROW!!! V. AGGREEMENT: Return to teacher I have read carefully the plans for this year’s Drama I&II course. I recognize my responsibility for setting my priorities and for completing the work honestly and thoroughly. My contribution to class discussion and shared learning will be my best effort. I realize that using materials such as Cliff Notes cripples my ability to draw my OWN conclusions, my ability to THINK and to LEARN. Therefore, I pledge NOT to hinder my learning in such ways. Student signature:_________________________ Date:_______________________ Parent or guardian’s signature:___________________________ Date:____________ Questions?____________________________________________________________ Parent or guardian’s telephone number and email __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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