Thursday, August 29, 2013

English 9 CP Syllabus

SYLLABUS 2013-2014 English 9 CP Miss Raczko Guiding Principles Literature is about men and women. The writer tries to illumine mankind’s tragedies and triumphs, fears and foibles, insights and insufficiencies. The writer seeks to discover and portray the recurring themes of the human condition. The vitality of literature is the story it tells, the emotions it arouses, the vision of human suffering and human triumph it presents. Our study of various genres will be divided into four marking periods worth of novels, plays, short stories, and poetry. Our essential questions for the year are: How is literature is our window in humanity? How does fiction present us with the truth? How do nonfiction/informational text connect the human experience with the facts? As we consider these issues, it is hoped that you will learn to know yourself, your society, your world, and your place in it, as well as become an active participant in our community of learners. Course Description Primarily this English 9 CP course will emphasize independent and critical thinking through the reading of various genres, the careful selection of evidence to support close reading, critical discussion, and extensive writing. The class will be conducted as a seminar where there will be an exchange of ideas during discussion. I. OBJECTIVES: You will: use each work studied to test our “essential question” Develop confidence in the validity of your own ideas Employ the highest levels of critical thinking ( analysis, synthesis, evaluation) to read, discuss, and write about literature. Practice speaking clearly, persuasively, and expressively in individual and group situations Lead class discussions Explore universal themes found in literature React critically and analytically to film adaptations of literature Share a personal response to literature through dialectical journals and discussion Evaluate your own writing as a learning tool Use process writing to evaluate your own and other student writing Present your understanding of complex themes through textual support of ideas in discussion and writing Write a variety of types of writing, including: essays, short stories, journals, plays, reflections Utilize proper grammar when writing Extend your vocabulary Bring your journal, class notebook, pen/pencil, and texts to class EVERYDAY Hand in work on TIME ( late homework will not be accepted, and major assignments will lose a letter grade each day it is late. II. LITERATURE (arranged by unit): Unit I: Short Stories and The Odyssey- active reading In your Literature Anthology, you will focus on the elements of fiction , poetry, and drama. You will read and analyze selections from the text. Unit II: Relationships and Conflict Of Mice and Men Unit III: Love and its repercussions Romeo and Juliet Poetry Unit IV: Racism and Prejudice To Kill a Mockingbird A Raisin in the Sun III. PAPERS: a. Your writing portfolio will emphasize PROCESS writing and will include the following types of papers: i. Dialectical journals ii. Analytical papers iii. Fiction iv. Argumentative/persuasive essays v. Timed essays vi. Imitations of various styles and authors vii. College essay viii. Thesis papers ix. Literary research paper b. All papers will be written in MLA format. IV. METHODS OF EVALUATION and TESTING: a. Satisfactory completion of assigned class and homework b. Your evaluation of your Writer’s Portfolio c. Personal responses as dialectical journals d. Class discussion and participation in our community of learners e. Class and individual projects f. Expressive, poetic, and expository papers g. Tests and quizzes h. Mid-term /Final Exam Keep the above information in your notebook at ALL TIMES. Detach the next page and return to your teacher by TOMORROW!!! V. AGGREEMENT: Return to teacher I have read carefully the plans for this year’s English 9 CP course. I recognize my responsibility for setting my priorities and for completing the work honestly and thoroughly. My contribution to class discussion and shared learning will be my best effort. I realize that using materials such as Cliff Notes cripples my ability to draw my OWN conclusions, my ability to THINK and to LEARN. Therefore, I pledge NOT to hinder my learning in such ways. Student signature:_________________________ Date:_______________________ Parent or guardian’s signature:___________________________ Date:____________ Questions?____________________________________________________________ Parent or guardian’s telephone number and email _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Drama I&II Syllabus

SYLLABUS 2013-2014 Drama I & II Miss Raczko Guiding Principles Theatre is “a place for learning about the brevity of human glory”, according to Iris Murdoch. The actor tries to illumine mankind’s tragedies and triumphs by using the playwright’s words as written truth. The director paints a slice of human life, the dramaturge questions everything, and the technician operates the set to bring the world to life. Course Description Primarily this Drama course will explore all facets of theatre: from page to stage. Students will also work with Theatre Link to read, revise, and perform a piece of theatre. I. OBJECTIVES: You will: use each work to develop as an actor, director, and playwright Develop conference in the validity of your own ideas Find your voice and use it to express authentic emotions Use actable verbs to attain the objective/super objective of the character Yes..and… to collaborate in a creative community *Bring your journal, class notebook, pen/pencil, and texts to class EVERYDAY * Hand in work on TIME ( late homework will NOT be accepted, and major assignments will lose a letter grade each day it is late) II. MATERIALS: The Stage and the School, various plays III. ASSIGNMENTS: - Monologues - Scene study - Performances - Playwriting - Expressive, persuasive, and analytical papers - Creative expressionism - Analytical reading IV. METHODS OF EVALUATION and TESTING: a. Satisfactory completion of assigned class and homework b. Your evaluation of your Writer’s Portfolio c. Personal responses as dialectical journals d. Class discussion and participation in our community of learners e. Class and individual projects f. Expressive, poetic, and expository papers g. Tests and quizzes h. Mid-term /Final Exam Keep the above information in your notebook at ALL TIMES. Detach the next page and return to your teacher by TOMORROW!!! V. AGGREEMENT: Return to teacher I have read carefully the plans for this year’s Drama I&II course. I recognize my responsibility for setting my priorities and for completing the work honestly and thoroughly. My contribution to class discussion and shared learning will be my best effort. I realize that using materials such as Cliff Notes cripples my ability to draw my OWN conclusions, my ability to THINK and to LEARN. Therefore, I pledge NOT to hinder my learning in such ways. Student signature:_________________________ Date:_______________________ Parent or guardian’s signature:___________________________ Date:____________ Questions?____________________________________________________________ Parent or guardian’s telephone number and email __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

English 10 CP Syllabus

SYLLABUS 2013-2014 English 10 CP Miss Raczko Guiding Principles Literature is about men and women. The writer tries to illumine mankind’s tragedies and triumphs, fears and foibles, insights and insufficiencies. The writer seeks to discover and portray the recurring themes of the human condition. The vitality of literature is the story it tells, the emotions it arouses, the vision of human suffering and human triumph it presents. Our study of various genres will be divided into four marking periods worth of novels, plays, short stories, and poetry. Our essential questions for the year are: How do people “grow up”? Where is the moment that shifts to destroy a character’s innocence? When does childhood end? As we consider these issues, it is hoped that you will learn to know yourself, your society, your world, and your place in it, as well as become an active participant in our community of learners. Course Description Primarily this English 10 CP course will emphasize independent and critical thinking through the close reading of AMERICAN LITERATURE, the careful selection of evidence to support critical discussion, and extensive writing. The class will be conducted as a seminar where there will be an exchange of ideas during discussion. I. OBJECTIVES: You will: use each work studied to test our “essential question” Develop confidence in the validity of your own ideas Employ the highest levels of critical thinking ( analysis, synthesis, evaluation) to read, discuss, and write about literature. Practice speaking clearly, persuasively, and expressively in individual and group situations Lead class discussions Explore universal themes found in literature React critically and analytically to film adaptations of literature Share a personal response to literature through dialectical journals and discussion Evaluate your own writing as a learning tool Use process writing to evaluate your own and other student writing Present your understanding of complex themes through textual support of ideas in discussion and writing Write a variety of types of writing, including: essays, short stories, journals, plays, reflections Use proper grammar at all times Integrate vocabulary from the text into your writing Bring your journal, class notebook, pen/pencil, and texts to class EVERYDAY Hand in work on TIME ( late homework will not be accepted, and major assignments will lose a letter grade each day it is late. II. LITERATURE (arranged by unit): Unit I: Short Stories and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn- active reading In your Literature Anthology, you will focus on the elements of fiction , poetry, and drama. You will read and analyze selections from the text. Unit II: Self- Doubt Catcher in the Rye The Crucible Unit III: The Consequence of Choice Henry IV part I A Walk in the Woods Unit IV: The Search for Identity The Great Gatsby Poetry III. PAPERS: a. Your writing portfolio will emphasize PROCESS writing and will include the following types of papers: i. Dialectical journals ii. Analytical papers iii. Fiction iv. Argumentative/persuasive essays v. Timed essays vi. Imitations of various styles and authors vii. College essay viii. Thesis papers ix. Literary research paper b. All papers will be written in MLA format. IV. METHODS OF EVALUATION and TESTING: a. Satisfactory completion of assigned class and homework b. Your evaluation of your Writer’s Portfolio c. Personal responses as dialectical journals d. Class discussion and participation in our community of learners e. Class and individual projects f. Expressive, poetic, and expository papers g. Tests and quizzes h. Mid-term /Final Exam Keep the above information in your notebook at ALL TIMES. Detach the next page and return to your teacher by TOMORROW!!! V. AGGREEMENT: Return to teacher I have read carefully the plans for this year’s English 10 CP course. I recognize my responsibility for setting my priorities and for completing the work honestly and thoroughly. My contribution to class discussion and shared learning will be my best effort. I realize that using materials such as Cliff Notes cripples my ability to draw my OWN conclusions, my ability to THINK and to LEARN. Therefore, I pledge NOT to hinder my learning in such ways. Student signature:_________________________ Date:_______________________ Parent or guardian’s signature:___________________________ Date:____________ Questions?____________________________________________________________ Parent or guardian’s telephone number and email _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Welcome to the 2013-2014 School Year! CHARGE!

“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” ― Phil Collins
Welcome Chargers! My name is Ms. Raczko and I am your English/Drama Teacher! I am very excited to be part of the Spotswood Team! As you will see in the classroom, I LOVE reading! This past year alone, I read 60 books, just to keep up with my students! I also love talking about books, so I love book recommendations. I will also be the head of the drama department which includes: Drama I&II, the Fall play, and the Spring Musical! Stay tuned on this blog for audition information and more.